Please join the Pacific Northwest Microscopy Society for a stimulating one-day workshop, with major focus on the cryo-preparation of biological samples by High Pressure Freezing.  Dr. Shigeki Watanabe (Johns Hopkins University) will lead the workshop, beginning with a morning lecture and discussion followed by an afternoon hands-on demonstration of the Wohlwend HPF02 high pressure freezer.  Attendees are encouraged to bring their own samples* for freezing.  Additionally you may image your minimally processed samples* using a Hitachi HM4000 tabletop SEM and also attend a demonstration by Dr. Stefanie Petrie of the Zeiss Light Sheet Microscope.

Beginning Thursday November 9th at 10 AM
Concluding Thursday November 9th November 9th at 5 PM

*Specimen Preparation

PNMS 2017 Poster and Program

We appreciate our


who have generously provided financial support…


Thermo Fisher

marine reef (2)

Lecture location

OHSU Center for Health & Healing (CHH), Room number 3181

3303 SW Bond Ave.

Oregon Health Science University

Workshop & Demonstrations location

OHSU Multiscale Microscopy Core

Collaborative Life Sciences Building

2730 SW Moody Ave, Portland, OR 97201

Parking and campus information